At the De Pont Museum of Contemporary Art, Tilburg in the Netherlands, the latest show of Berlin based artist Katharina Grosse, is currently being held to rave reviews. Entitled ‘Two Younger Women Come in and Pull Out a Table’, it features a colourful installation of giant PVC balls and a selection of wall mounted paintings.

The swirling intermingled colours of the balls resemble a giant version of marbles in a childhood game which appear to be randomly suspended within the space. In reality, they are in the form of a labyrinth inside which is a defined pathway and visitors are invited to enter and experience the sensation of being part of the physical elements of the artwork. The series of equally brightly coloured paintings appear in this venue for the first time and represent the development of the artist over the past 10 years.

As an artist, Katharina Grosse continues to explore the possibilities of the nature of paint as an artwork and not just as a medium and enjoys playing with the physicality of her materials in general. Her current exhibition runs through to June 9th, 2013.