The mesmerizing subject of shadows, the fleeting glimpse of a transient form, created through the chance configuration of light and shade, has fascinated man throughout the ages. The world renowned self-taught Greek artist, Teodosio Sectio Aurea, has captured this phenomenon and made it his medium for the production of a series of artworks.

At first glance, it may be difficult to spot an element of structure or even beauty in an abstract mass of metal and wire but this is an artist with a distinct talent, a man who can make this assortment of scrap come to life through its shadow when placed at the right angle with the correct illumination. As we look in amazement at the stunning shadow on the wall and then look back at its source, it is still practically impossible to discern the cause of the final result!

In addition to his own synthesis, the series includes a number of images recreated from the familiar masterpieces of Picasso, da Vinci and Michelangelo. So, check this out, it just goes to show that a pioneering contemporary art form does not have to depend on digital technology or new generation materials, all that is required is an artist with the unique vision and infinite imagination the likes of Teodosio Sectio Aurea!